Hi this is Tim answering questions. If I don't answer your question here. Drop me a text or an email.

How much £££?

I wish there was a simple answer to this, it depends on location, timings, occasion, equipment needed, day of the week, which family occasion I'm missing. To save you time, it's much easier to just email me for a quote. 

Here's a rough guide based on what I'm currently being paid

Off peak = Monday-Thursday daytimes and Weekend daytimes 

Peak = Friday and Saturday nights after 6pm

  • Off peak pub gigs
    £180 + *travel
  • Peak pub gigs
    £200 + travel
  • Weddings/corporate gigs off peak
    £300-£400 + travel
  • Weddings/corporate gigs peak
    £400-£500 + travel
  • All other private events
    Just contact me for a quote. It's too varied to say. Depending on time of the week, what the event is**, how long you need me for etc.. Very roughly I'd say between £180-400.



*I usually only apply travel costs if it's 10 miles outside London or inside the congestion charging zone. 
** I'm a human being. If it's a local hospice on a Sunday morning with a low budget, I'm going to be more forgiving than if it's a Jacob Rees Mogg's Birthday party.

Will you negotiate on these prices?

It's just a rough guide. I sometimes get more, sometimes a touch less. It really depends on a few different factors. Like I said, it's so much easier to e-mail me for a quote.

Why do pubs pay less? 

A common question, and at first glance it looks odd. 

Here's some reasons, at the end I'll give a very honest reason.

Weddings: The pressure of performing at a wedding is a lot higher, you are playing at the most important day of someones life. Not just performing the same singalongs for your local. You usually have to follow queues, the hours are longer, you have to usually learn the bride and grooms favourite songs, you have to dress appropriately, and everything has to be perfect with a capital P. 

Corporate: Similar to weddings, the environment is usually very very different to performing in pubs and requires an entirely different skill set. 

Also: The above two reasons are very true, however a large reason that no one really talks about is; because that's how much weddings and corporate gigs regularly pay me (and other artists). Pubs and small venues in the UK are struggling and don't have anywhere near the same budget. Really, we shouldn't be playing for £200 a night. The work that goes into doing this full time is incredibly taxing. If you try and get a builder, or plumber to come out on a Friday night for £200 they would laugh in your face. However, pubs need music, we need gigs and money doesn't grow on trees. So that's where we are. 


Aren't you that guy from Morning Crush?

Yes. I lead a double life, and never the twain shall meet. 

I don't have any speakers or anything

That's fine, I have a full PA system and lights. I just need two power sockets and about 2x2 metres.

Will you learn a song I love?

Yes! You can see my song list here. If you want me to learn a favourite of yours that's no issue. If you want me to learn more than one then I'll have to factor that into the cost, it's quite time consuming!

Describe your style and influences?

I honestly don't know how to describe my style - I don't think any musician does. I settle with Folk/Rock/Pop, but I play songs of all genres. Want to hear Dancing Queen played in a Folk Rock Pop style? Look no further! 

I couldn't list all of my influences. I'll just say that I love playing Queen. Because it's so challenging it keeps me awake.

Why don't you get a real job? 


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